12 Google Doc Templates to Make Your Business More Efficient

12 Google Doc Templates to Make Your Business More Efficient

Great systems are key to running and maintaining a successful business.

When you’re able to follow the same process time and time again - whether it’s scheduling social media posts, replying to inquiries, or setting up client homework - you can conquer tasks quickly and free up your time. 

Something as simple as a Google Doc template can help you prepare ahead of time and work more efficiently. 

So to help you streamline your systems and keep your process running smoothly, I have 12 template ideas and examples to share with you.

Getting Started with Squarespace

Getting Started with Squarespace

Your website is your business’s online home base.

It’s where all the magic happens; it’s where sales are made, services are booked, and trust is built through blog posts and portfolio views.

So it’s really important that your website makes a positive first impression through design and functionality. 

There are a lot of opinions out there about what your website should look like and how it should function.

But what are the facts?

Put Pinterest on Auto Pilot with this Nifty Tool

Put Pinterest on Auto Pilot with this Nifty Tool

Pinterest has been one of the most helpful free marketing tools for driving traffic to the Elle & Company website.

In fact, 20% of my overall blog traffic and 78% of my overall social media traffic to my blog comes directly from Pinterest. 

Not only is Pinterest visual (which is especially helpful for creative business owners), but pins have a longer lifespan than other social media posts like tweets and Facebook shares. An image that was pinned months ago will continue to show up in other people’s feeds for months and drive traffic to your website.

But as with any social media platform, it takes time to keep up with Pinterest. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time in my busy work week to devote hours and hours to pinning.

This is problematic because we know a few things about Pinterest:

  1. Pinterest works in your favor when you pin a lot
  2. Pinterest likes it when you post other people’s content, not just your own
  3. You’ll see more consistent traffic if you pin over a period of time instead of all at once with weeks in between

Enter Board Booster. 

How to Gain an Audience in Your First Six Months of Business

How to Gain an Audience in Your First Six Months of Business

The hardest part of starting a business isn’t figuring out finances.

It isn’t coming up with offerings, finding your niche, or pricing your services.

Because all those items will easily fall into place… as long as you have a loyal, engaged audience.

But how do you grow an audience full of prospective clients and customers who are excited about your business?

It’s the million dollar question (almost literally). 

Making the Switch to Squarespace

Making the Switch to Squarespace

So you’re convinced that Squarespace is the platform for you.

It’s simple user interface, beautiful templates, and all-in-one platform won you over, and you’re ready to make the switch.

But where do you start? How do you move all your of your current content over, transfer your domain, and easily make the switch to Squarespace?

Here are 6 simple steps for making the transition as easy as possible.