Feeling burnt out? 3 ways to bring the spark back to your business

Feeling burnt out? 3 ways to bring the spark back to your business

Confession: I used to be extremely critical of burnout.

I would come across posts on the topic when I first started Elle & Company and thought the writers were being a tad bit overdramatic.

If you’re doing what you love, can you really ever become burnt out?

It was at a time in my business where I had a ton of motivation. I had a clear goal that I was working toward - creating a full-time business off of my love of design - and I was willing to work 10+ hours a day to get there.

The momentum continued to increase as I saw some success in my business. Clients started to come rolling in, my blog was growing exponentially, and I started to offer more products and services.

I hit my stride…

...and then recently, I hit a wall. The early mornings, late nights, and no vacations finally caught up with me.

That was a month or two ago. Since then I’ve realized that burnout is a real thing. 

And after some reflection and time off, I’ve discovered 3 simple things that can help you conquer burnout and bring some spark back to your business.

11 Crafty Ways to Repurpose Old Content

11 Crafty Ways to Repurpose Old Content

Content creation is at the heart of Elle & Company. 

Between blog posts, weekly newsletters, Ellechats, social media posts, and Library additions, I spend a lot of time pumping out new content each week.

But here’s the thing about new content: it has a shelf life.

Newsletters get buried in inboxes. Blog posts get buried in archives. Social media posts quickly fade away from the feeds of your followers. Webinars end. 

The content you create (along with the time and energy you put into them) quickly gets buried under your newer content.

But don’t be fooled; you didn’t labor in vain! 

Enter, the art of repurposing content.

Survey Says...

Survey Says...

Last week I asked Elle & Company readers and subscribers to take part in my annual survey, thinking I might get a couple hundred people to leave feedback.

I was shocked to see that over 800 of you took the time to participate!

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about yourself and leave feedback on why you follow along. I read each and every response and took your words to heart. 

But it didn't seem right to keep the feedback to myself. So I rounded up the data to share with you!

5 Surprising Stats About Your Business’s Visuals

5 Surprising Stats About Your Business’s Visuals

How would your life be different if you were able to generate more sales? 

Would you be able to quit your day job? 
Spend more time with your kids? 
Take that vacation that's been taking up space on your bucket list?

The key to making sales is trust, and building trust with your potential customers starts with making a killer first impression through visuals.

Your promotional photos, graphics, and videos should not only look amazing; they need to be intentionally designed using strategies that are proven to increase sales. 

If the potential to build trust with your audience, create a killer first impression, and make more sales isn’t enough to convince you to step up your business’s visuals, the following stats might. 

The Story Behind Why I Started Elle & Company

The Story Behind Why I Started Elle & Company

“How did you get your business off the ground?”

It’s a question I get asked pretty regularly by creatives who are in the beginning stages of starting their business. 

They want to know how I grew my audience, how I was able to book clients, and how I made the leap to full-time. 

I have to smile as I attempt to answer it, because the irony of it all is that I never set out to start a business.

As a matter of fact, I swore up and down that I would never, ever own a business, because I grew up seeing firsthand all the things a business required.

(For those of you who’ve heard this story, you haven’t heard the whole story. Keep reading.)