"I fall behind on my blog posts all the time, I'd love to learn how to streamline blogging and keep on top of it!"
"How to write more content. I hate writing and I'm not good at it, so I avoid it even though I KNOW content is what will help me succeed."
"More on the practicalities of blogging. Choosing images for posts."
I recently conducted my annual reader survey. These were some of the responses I received to the question “What would you like to learn more about from Elle & Company?”
I was surprised to learn that many of you want to learn about my blogging process and how I am able to consistently blog. Many of you recognize the importance of blogging, but identified it as a struggle (which I totally empathize with).
Blogging isn’t quite so difficult if you have a clear-cut process. So today I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes look at my blogging process.