Start thinking about your website differently

It’s easy to get caught up in the design, platform, and pages of your website without ever considering the purpose and role a website plays in your business. 

Why is it so crucial that you (1) have a website in the first place and (2) put time and effort into setting it up correctly?

Because your website is your business’s online home base. It’s where all the important action happens.

It’s where sales are made, portfolios are browsed, information is consumed, products are purchased, social media accounts are linked to, and contact forms are submitted. 

It’s the livelihood of your online business.

Social media sites are helpful for increasing exposure and promoting offerings, podcasts and webinars are great for expanding your reach, and your mailing list is crucial for making sales. But all of the above are merely funnels pointing back to your website.

So it’s crucial that your website creates a striking first impression with your audience and easily guides them toward the action you want them to take.