Brand + Site Design: Andrea Pesce Photography

Two years ago our wedding photographer sent her intern my way for brand design. I wasn't officially offering branding services at the time, but I happily accepted the project and set up a meeting with my newest client, Andrea Pesce, at a small coffee shop in my hometown. I had no clue that my first branding client would turn into my closest friend in this industry.

Over the past two years, we've collaborated together multiple times and watched each other's businesses grow and evolve. We've both discovered what we want to do and what we don't want to do in our creative fields, and Andrea's business has taken a great new direction over the past 6 months (she wrote this great blog post about it last week, and it is definitely worth reading!). Her first logo and brand wasn't a great reflection of this new turn in her business, so we've collaborated again to create a gorgeous new brand. And I must say, this one fits the new Andrea Pesce Photography to a T!

Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company

If you look through Andrea's photos, you pick up on her light, simple style right away. She wanted to emphasize the story telling aspect of photography, catching those unposed moments between a couple on their wedding day. When we discussed her new logo and website, the words "light," "texture," "motion," "clean," "dreamy," "romantic," "classic," and "timeless" came up often. We took those words and visually represented them through her inspiration board. 

Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company

Then we moved on to the logo. Andrea worked with talented calligrapher, Chelsea Petaju, on this gorgeous logo, and wow did she make my job easy! Isn't it lovely?

Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company

Next, I came up with a couple alternate logos that could be used on collateral items. The branches tie in the motion that we had discussed in our initial meetings. 

Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company

And then came my favorite part, the website. We kept it simple, clean, and easy to navigate so that her beautiful photos would be highlighted. 

Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company
Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company
Andrea Pesce brand and website design // Elle & Company

Andrea, it's always a joy working with you! Thank you for trusting me with the new direction of your brand and website. It's been so fun watching your business change and grow, and I can't wait to see where this new chapter takes you. Best wishes and happy launch day, sweet friend!

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