Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, I haven't been the best about my grocery store/meal planning routine this summer. But instead of eating out or waving the white flag with a last minute trip to Harris Teeter, we've been rounding up random ingredients for our own version of Chopped. Last Tuesday's basket ingredients were bacon, frozen rolls, and green tomatoes from our garden. Less than 20 minutes later, we had "pan-seared maple-cured bacon and fried green tomatoes on lightly toasted Sister Shubert rolls." Food Network ain't got nothin' on us. 

Dear Faith, Benson, Davis, and Anna Grace, you make being an aunt so much fun. You also make Virginia so hard to leave. Thank you for a weekend filled with hugs, crayons, story telling, face paint, giggles, sidewalk chalk, "giant parades", and birthday celebrations. I love being your "LaLa."

Dear Letters, this past weekend with family made me even more excited to write you each Monday morning. Until a couple days ago, I never knew that you were passed along between my parents in their dating years and early in their marriage. I had also never seen one of you that my dad had written to an old family friend when he was ten years old. You now mean more to me than a few funny stories at the start of each week - you gave me so much insight into my parents and past stories that I never knew.

Dear Jake, you rolled over this morning to tell me about your dream last night. "I had an epic beard. Like, the most massive beard ever." Early morning laughs make waking up beside you so much fun. 

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness.

Past Letters