Behind the Scenes of Elle & Company

Last week I was tagged in the "Tour Through Blogland" series that's been going around the blogging community, so I'm switching things up from Elle & Company's normal Monday routine to participate! This series is fun for 2 reasons: It gives me a chance to highlight other creative ladies and it gives you a behind-the-scenes look at what Elle & Company is all about. 

Who nominated me?

Jillian is a designer and entrepreneur who finds joy in celebrating the little details and living creatively. Her blog, Jillianastasia, is a place where she shares DIY projects, recipes, downloads, and everything in between. She also has an Etsy shop filled with lovely prints, notebooks, and paper goods. I especially love this ampersand print. Thanks so much for nominating me, Jillian! 

What am I working on?

Branding projects. And lots of them! I've been blessed to work with a wide range of women - authors, photographers, bloggers - on logos and websites these past few months. And being the terrible secret-keeper that I am, I've been dying to share them! But for now, here's a look at a few inspiration boards:


I'm also working on a new line of art prints for the Library, an October newsletter, an exciting partnership with Michaela Noelle Designs on the design of our Suite, and the launch of the new 2015 Elle & Company planners.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I would like to think that my style and my character set me apart. While I love keeping up with what's trendy and popular in the design world, I always come back to creating things that are colorful, feminine, simple, and illustrative. At the end of the day, I can look through my blog posts, my Instagram feed, and the Library and say that it's totally "me" (and I hope those who know me best would agree).

Printable art prints from the Elle & Company Library

Why do I write/create what I do?

Design makes me happy. I truly can't remember a time when I didn't love drawing, designing, and organizing. I was the kid who looked forward to going back to school because it meant new art supplies, I could be easily entertained by blank copy paper and a box of crayons, and I loved sitting in the shopping cart and organizing all of the items my mom would toss in (wish I was kidding). It's in my nature. 

But even more than my love of designing pretty things is sharing design with others. I love when a branding client gets excited about their new logo or when a busy mom tells me that the menu planner printable has added structure to her week. It's fun to see God use the gifts he's given me to benefit others!

How does my writing/creating process work?

When I'm writing for the blog, I usually open a Google Doc and outline my post. I list my main ideas and flesh them out with bullet points underneath. This method helps me develop a complete concept and shows me areas that I need to put more thought into before I start writing. It might take a little longer than just jumping in, but it's been beneficial in the long run. 

My design process is a little more complicated. Thankfully I'm starting a new series on this next week, so stay tuned!

Who am I nominating?

I think I'm technically supposed to tag 3 people, but I always have such a hard time choosing! So I'm sharing the love and tagging one more blog friend for good measure.

Jessica Clinch is a talented watercolor artist, designer, and blogger at Simply Jessica Marie. I love seeing her beautiful work pop up on my Instagram feed and I'm always drawn to her pretty, feminine style. Her shop is filled with all kinds of lovely cards and prints, but my favorite pieces are her custom illustrations. 

Bailey Roberts is the lady behind Brave Love, a blog celebrating the stories, seasons, and journeys of life. Bailey has an creative eye for lovely things and a heart for other people, and I've really enjoyed her latest "Blogtember" series. She's also been decorating her new apartment and it's been so fun to keep up with the transformation!

Rachel Cox is the sweet lady behind Oh Simple Thoughts, a blog where she shares her heart and little glimpses of her daily life. Rachel's creativity is seen through her gorgeous writing style, the recipes she shares, and the cute headwarmers she crochets. She's also started baking and selling bread from a passed-down family recipe and it's been a great success. Rachel is a joy to follow along with!

Madison Wetherill is a fellow graphic designer who blogs over at Wetherills Say I Do. She posts recipes, shares blogging tips, and runs some really great giveaways. I love Madison's heart for community, too. She's always using her space to highlight other shops and bloggers and encourage other ladies. 

These ladies will be sharing their Tour Through Blogland posts next Monday, so be sure to follow along. Happy Monday!