As a designer, I'm frequently asked which fonts I use and prefer. So today I'm rounding up some of my favorite serif, sans-serif, and fun fonts along with links so that you can download and make use of them, too!
Serif font - a font that has a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol
Garamond // St. Marie Thin // Josefin Slab // Vidaloka
Lora // Sanchez // Merriweather // Copse
Sans-serif font - a font that does not have the small projecting features called 'serifs' at the end of strokes
District Pro Thin // Montserrat // Alegraya Sans // Bebas Neue
Quicksand // Raleway // Varela // Archivo Narrow
Fun font - my term for a font that doesn't fit into either of the above categories
Bellota // Kailey // Naive Inline // Fertigo Pro
Sansita One // Mr. Moustache // Sail
My favorite fonts are fairly simple and easy to read. My personal style doesn't get too crazy with fonts; I often choose to keep them clean and instead add interest to my designs through color, illustration and composition. When it comes to fonts, I hold to the rule that less is more.