
10 Tips to Tighten Your Copy

10 Tips to Tighten Your Copy

Whether you’ve been in business for 2 years or 2 minutes, you know that being an entrepreneur requires a slew of skills. 

You have to be a salesperson, a marketer, an accountant, a project manager, a designer, a social media expert, a researcher, and a copywriter - all while being an expert in your particular field. 

And you’re probably willingly (yet hesitantly) diving into all of those roles because you have a product, service, or idea that you enjoy and believe in.

But in order to get clients and customers to pay attention to you and purchase your great product or service, you have to be able to communicate about it. You have to write about it in a way that’s genuine and persuasive.

Emails, blog posts, headlines, bios, sales pages, social media updates - being an entrepreneur means you’re constantly having to write new copy for your brand and your business.

But here’s the thing: Most of us aren’t trained copywriters. 

We haven’t had a copywriting pro sit down with us one-on-one and teach us how to write in a way that’s concise, compelling, and personable.

And if you’re anything like me, you might also have some serious resistance to promoting yourself and selling your products. 

But copywriting doesn’t have to be quite so painstaking and overwhelming. 

These 10 simple copywriting tricks will help you clearly communicate about your business in a way that resonates with people and encourages them to take action.

How to Balance a Full-Time Job and a Part-Time Freelance Business

How to Balance a Full-Time Job and a Part-Time Freelance Business

Starting a “side-hustle” has grown in popularity over the past few years, and it’s easy to understand why. 

Maintaining a full-time job while pursuing a passion project on the side offers the best of both worlds: a steady paycheck and benefits along with the opportunity to make a little extra money doing something you love.

And while there’s a lot to gain when starting a side-hustle, there’s also a lot of sacrifice.

Here at Elle & Company, we know a thing or two about balancing a full-time job and a “side hustle.”

I worked a few different 9-5 jobs while I worked to get my business up and running, and both of my assistants currently work full-time jobs while helping me with Elle & Company part-time.

All three of us understand the time and energy that goes into balancing a full-time job and a part-time passion project. 

So we rounded up some practical ways that we’ve been able to keep our heads above water and maintain our sanity in the process. 

If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Game Plan

If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Game Plan

So you want to start a business.
You have a ton of motivation and excitement at first, but all of a sudden reality sets in. 
There are so many tasks involved, the majority of which you’ve never tackled before. You’re way out of your comfort zone, overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done. 
Where do you even begin?
When you’re first starting out, it can be difficult to see the forest through the trees.
When I first started Elle & Company, I found myself piecing together all that I thought needed to get done (forgetting a bunch of steps along the way). 
I longed for a step-by-step list of what to conquer and when.
Now, three and a half years into running my online business, I’ve had time to reflect on what worked and what I could’ve done differently to save time (and stress).
So I’m paying it forward. I’ve created a step-by-step list of what to focus on when you’re trying to get your business off the ground.
If I were to go back and start Elle & Company from scratch, here’s what my game plan would look like.

An Inside Look at What We're Currently Working On

An Inside Look at What We're Currently Working On

This isn’t a normal Elle & Company blog post.
In a normal Elle & Company blog post, I share strategies and write about topics after I’ve already had time to experiment and figure out what works.
But after reading your replies to my annual survey a month or two ago, I saw that you want to see things as they’re happening. You requested more behind-the-scenes. 
Your wish is my command.
I have to admit, though - this is a little out of my comfort zone. Because if something doesn’t work out the way I hope it will, my failure will be public knowledge. All of you will know about it. 
But that’s a more honest look at running a business, isn’t it? Trial and error, falling down once, and getting up twice.
So here’s the inside scoop about what my team and I are focusing on this quarter, along with why and how we plan to accomplish it. 

6 Practical Ways to Gain More Confidence In Your Work

6 Practical Ways to Gain More Confidence In Your Work

“I have written 11 books but each time I think 'Uh-oh, they're going to find out now’… I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out."

You might be surprised to learn, like I was, that Maya Angelou - a woman who was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, won five Grammys, and received a ton of other awards during her lifetime - struggled with “imposter syndrome.” 

Her fear of not being good enough caused her to question her abilities and fear that others would learn that she wasn’t as great or as capable as they originally thought. 

I wonder if you feel the same way with your business.

You feel the pressure to keep up appearances. You doubt your abilities. You compare yourself to others who seem to do things better. 

And you fear that even though things seem to be going well at the moment, people will eventually find out that you aren’t quite so great as you appear to be on Instagram. 

The struggle with imposter syndrome can be crippling. I know from personal experience.

But over the past few years, I’ve discovered 6 truths that have helped me gain more confidence in my work. I hope you find them helpful, too.