8 out of 10 business fail within the first 18 months (source). That’s a shocking number, isn’t it? And after being in business for over a year now, I can see why that statistic is true; there is a lot more to entrepreneurship than creating your own work hours, being your own boss, and following your dream. I learned the hardest, most costly decisions within my first year, so today I’m sharing some of the most common business mistakes that I’ve run into. While many of life’s best-learned lessoned are often learned from personal experience, my hope is that many of these mistakes will help you stay proactive and avoid errors that could be detrimental to your business in the long-run.
9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Old Blog Content
It can be pretty depressing to spend countless hours on a blog post, only to have it buried underneath new content a couple weeks later. It’s a shame to see all of that thought, effort, and value go unnoticed, so today I have 9 solutions for you to help you make the most out of your older, high-quality blog posts (and increase page views and site traffic while you’re at it!).
Why Instagram Doesn't Convert
Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform at the moment. In fact, Instagram has now surpassed Twitter in its number of users and accounts (source). If you're a business owner or blogger who hasn't joined in on the Instagram trend, you're missing out on a fantastic opportunity to increase your brand's awareness and reach your ideal audience.
Well, sort of. Instagram is helpful for growing your following and reaching more potential readers and customers, but there are some serious issues with tracking Instagram's referral traffic. So today Jake is explaining how this problem might affect you as well as sharing some creative ways to track conversions from Instagram.
8 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing
Content marketing is a term that's thrown around often in business circles, but I've realized that there are many misconceptions on the topic. "Is content marketing the same thing as blogging?" "Content marketing sounds really complicated." "Content marketing might work for your business, but it doesn't make sense for mine." Today I'm clearing up some common misunderstandings on this one subject that's had the greatest positive impact on my business.
The Psychology of Color in Branding
Design is all about first impressions, and one of the most important factors of any design is color. Color choices, pairings, and usage can affect how someone perceives a billboard, a website, or a box of cereal. Whether you realize it or not, colors evoke emotions, feelings, and memories, and designers tap into those emotions as they're choosing colors to appeal to a brand's ideal audience. There is more psychology behind color than you may have imagined, so today I'm sharing some color associations and data that you're already subconsciously aware of but may not have picked up on before.