Why Instagram’s New Changes Don’t Scare Me (And Shouldn’t Scare You)

Why Instagram’s New Changes Don’t Scare Me (And Shouldn’t Scare You)

Instagram seems to be the social media platform of choice for creative business owners. 

It’s visual, business accounts easily blend in with personal accounts, and - unlike Facebook - posts show up in chronological order.

Well, they used to show up in chronological order. 

On March 15th, Instagram announced that posts would “soon be ordered to show the moments we believe you will care about the most.” 

In other words, they’re following Facebook’s footsteps and displaying posts in your feed according to engagement. Posts will no longer appear in chronological order. Business owners aren’t guaranteed that their posts will appear in the feeds of their followers. 

So it’s no surprise that this recent announcement has caused widespread panic in the creative community. 

However, I saw this one coming. I predicted it would happen several months ago in this post

While these recent changes might change the way we approach our Instagram marketing strategies, they shouldn’t be causing business owners to freak out. 

Here’s why they don’t scare me (and certainly shouldn’t scare you).

Why Every Creative Entrepreneur Should Learn How to Use Adobe Illustrator

Why Every Creative Entrepreneur Should Learn How to Use Adobe Illustrator

When I started Elle & Company a little over 2 years ago, design needs started popping up everywhere. From my logo and website to business cards and blog post graphics, I constantly needed to create strong visuals. 

But I was never in a bind because I knew how to use Adobe Illustrator. 

Every time I had a design need I’d simply pull up the program, set up the dimensions, design a one-of-a-kind graphic, and in a matter of minutes I had exactly what I needed.

However, I quickly learned that designing graphics was a much bigger headache for the photographers, event planners, bloggers, and other creative entrepreneurs in the industry.

They didn’t know where to turn for custom graphics that matched the style of their brand. They couldn’t afford to hire a designer each time a design need came up. 

Maybe you’re in the same boat. You may not know how to use Adobe Illustrator but you desperately need to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator.

And here’s why.

How to Create Custom Icons for Your Brand

How to Create Custom Icons for Your Brand

Developing a memorable brand is all in the details. Which is why something so seemingly simple, like a custom icon set, can have such a large impact on your brand and website.

So in last Thursday's free Ellechat webinar, I spent an hour walking live attendees through the ins and outs of creating a professional, cohesive set of icons for their business.

10 Essential Design Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs

10 Essential Design Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs

Every entrepreneur - especially those in creative industries - should have a simple understanding of basic design principles.

I know that’s a biased claim coming from a graphic designer but the longer I’m in business, the more I’ve seen firsthand how crucial design is to entrepreneurial success.

Great design helps you look professional and creates a positive first impression with prospective customers and clients. Great design helps you stand apart from others in your industry. And great design builds authority and trust.

The great news is that anyone can learn and apply the basics of great design. All it takes is a little creativity and the help of these 10 fantastic design resources.

How I Grew My Waiting List to 250+ Prospective Clients

How I Grew My Waiting List to 250+ Prospective Clients

For new service-based entrepreneurs, one of the greatest challenges is finding, attracting, and booking clients.

You may not have a large portfolio, a large audience, or client testimonials. You may not have much experience or expertise. And chances are, you’re probably in a very saturated, competitive industry.

I remember being in that position. And in less than a year and a half, I’ve been able to grow my client waiting list to well over 250 prospective clients. 

If that sounds crazy to you, than this will be even more shocking: I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to build my waiting list. All the steps I implemented can be executed by you, too.