Monday's Letters

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Dear Mr. Hooker, last Tuesday you went Mr. Clean on the Suite - washing dishes, picking up the living room, starting a couple loads of laundry. While I should have been a little suspicious, I chalked it up to being my "birthday week"... until I heard a knock at the door and saw my Mom's smiling face popping up in the window. Turns out you two had been scheming her surprise visit for weeks, you sneaky guy! A clean house and some girl time with Mom? You knocked birthday week out of the park. 

Dear Wildflour Cafe, my only birthday request each year is a piece of your sinfully delicious carrot cake. So you can imagine my disappointment when I realized that this year, your bakery and my house are 4 hours apart. Thankfully, my thoughtful Mom had one of your sweet masterpieces in hand when she arrived at our front door. 5 days and 5 pounds later, it's all gone and I'm all set until July 23, 2015. 

Dear Lightning McQueen & Sally, after neglecting you for a month or two, we decided to take you on a trail ride this weekend. Thank you for reminding me how out of shape I am, how much I hate dirt, and how much fun it is to do something completely out of my comfort zone. 

Dear Jake, it's amazing how 2 years of marriage can change habits and quirks. I'm always finding myself using words like "dude" and "literally", and last night you caught me singing in your Creed voice and busting out a few of your signature dance moves. Dude, we're literally going to be the same person 30 years from now (and I secretly can't wait). 

Past Letters

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness.