Monday's Letters

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, I haven't been the best about my grocery store/meal planning routine this summer. But instead of eating out or waving the white flag with a last minute trip to Harris Teeter, we've been rounding up random ingredients for our own version of Chopped. Last Tuesday's basket ingredients were bacon, frozen rolls, and green tomatoes from our garden. Less than 20 minutes later, we had "pan-seared maple-cured bacon and fried green tomatoes on lightly toasted Sister Shubert rolls." Food Network ain't got nothin' on us. 

Dear Faith, Benson, Davis, and Anna Grace, you make being an aunt so much fun. You also make Virginia so hard to leave. Thank you for a weekend filled with hugs, crayons, story telling, face paint, giggles, sidewalk chalk, "giant parades", and birthday celebrations. I love being your "LaLa."

Dear Letters, this past weekend with family made me even more excited to write you each Monday morning. Until a couple days ago, I never knew that you were passed along between my parents in their dating years and early in their marriage. I had also never seen one of you that my dad had written to an old family friend when he was ten years old. You now mean more to me than a few funny stories at the start of each week - you gave me so much insight into my parents and past stories that I never knew.

Dear Jake, you rolled over this morning to tell me about your dream last night. "I had an epic beard. Like, the most massive beard ever." Early morning laughs make waking up beside you so much fun. 

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness.

Past Letters

Monday's Letters


Dear Mr. Hooker, did you know that my birthday week is right around the corner? After all the hype you made about your own birthday week in May, I have high expectations. Breakfast in bed, thoughtful compliments throughout my day, full control over the car radio... Looks like you're in trouble. What goes around comes around, my dear.

Dear Rhonda the Honda, after two and a half weeks in critical care, you're running better than ever. Your AC has never been so cool and you're no longer making funny noises (although I think I heard your engine purr a time or two). We are oh-so grateful for a kind man in our church who donated countless hours nursing you back to health. No more problems for a while, okay?

Dear Allyson, you and your Mr. could have chosen anywhere to visit for your 10-year anniversary and you chose Charlotte, North Carolina. I would like to think that a visit with your favorite sister and brother-in-law motivated your decision, but I'm not that naive - I know that IKEA had a little something to do with it, too ;) If that's the case, you need to make IKEA trips more often! We loved spending time with you two. 

Dear Jake, have you ever met a stranger? There's no telling exactly what you're going to say to the guy at the gas station or the waitress at Macaroni Grill, but it almost always involves a joke and a friendly smile. You have the best way of striking up conversations and making new friends wherever we go, and I love that about you. 

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness.

Past Letters

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, your wallet was tucked safely in your pocket when we went to pick up pizza on Saturday afternoon, but it was nowhere to be found when we arrived back at the Suite. After a few hours of searching and a mild panic attack, we started to give up all hope of finding it... until a big red firetruck and three men in uniform appeared outside our door with a brown leather wallet in hand. Thank the Lord for observant Good Samaritans who like to eat lunch at Papa John's, too. 

Dear Hurricane Arthur, you had us a little worried when you showed up unexpectedly to our beach house on Thursday afternoon. Since you weren't a big fan of sunshine, we decided to spend the day indoors with a movie, a couple rounds of poker, and even a Jazzercise dance party (guys included!) You packed up while we were still asleep on Friday morning and left behind no evidence of your stay. Nice knowing you, pal!

Dear Kevin DeYoung, I was oh so happy to see your book Crazy Busy on my seat at the Gospel Coalition Women's Conference. I couldn't put it down on vacation last week - it was just what this crazy busy girl needed to read. Thank you for all of the tips and godly wisdom on how to simplify and focus on what matters most.

Dear Jake, my heart is so full after a week with some of our closest friends. I'm smiling just thinking about all 7 of us drinking coffee on the front porch each morning, sharing stories and cracking jokes. I soaked up our walks on the beach and late night games of poker and Things. And the girls and I especially loved beating you guys in a second round of putt-putt. I sure do hope this is the beginning of a tradition.

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness. To see past letters, click here.

Letters & Looking Ahead

Dear Mr. Hooker, Rhonda the Honda gave up on us at a stop light on Saturday night. Thankfully she mustered up enough strength to coast into the repair shop a couple miles away, but her shenanigans cost us our fun plans with friends. Here's to hoping her old age gets us a senior citizens discount on her repair bill...

Dear June, you're ending in a fireworks display of activities for me this year. Last week I enjoyed a relaxing family beach trip with the in-laws. This Friday I leave for a weekend at the Gospel Coalition Conference in Orlando. And as soon as I fly back into Charlotte on Sunday night, Jake and I are hitting the road to meet friends at Sunset Beach for a week. This month is spoiling me rotten.

Dear Freeze Pops, you've become our latest addiction. We become 6-year-olds after dinner each night, making the big decision of which color we're going to stain our mouths with and making trips back to the freezer for seconds (or thirds). Summer just wouldn't be the same without you.

Dear Jake, you're the peanut butter to my jelly, the bacon to my eggs. You're calm when I'm anxious and simple when I'm complicated. Adventurous when I'm safe, goofy when I'm grouchy, and steady when I'm here, there, and everywhere. I'm one blessed girl; I married my perfect compliment.

Here's a sneak peek at what's coming to Elle & Company this week:

  • A new iPhone wallpaper and a little heart-to-heart in the Weekly Truth series
  • July 4th printables (including some fun Uncle Sam photo booth props!)
  • A new series on blogging & the story behind how this space got started
  • Tips on how to design a lovely resume & resume additions to the Library
  • A Coffee Date with Annamarie Akins

Don't miss a thing! Follow along:

Monday's Letters


Dear Mr. Hooker, when we return to Charlotte on Wednesday we'll be a couple shades tanner and a little more rested. Until then, my only plans are to take a nap everyday, read an entire book, and eat dessert each night. Beach trips are the best.

Dear Project L, I may have been a little crazy (and a lot excited) when I scheduled your launch for the day after we return from the beach. But it does make the end-of-vacation sadness a little less dreadful when we have something so exciting to return home to. 3 more days!

Dear car trips, how did I ever endure you before I married Jake Hooker? His dance moves, funny jokes, and DJ skills sure do make 5-hour drives much more fun.  

Dear Jake, thank you for participating in my fun little game last week called "let's-see-how-much-food-we-can-get-rid-of-in-our-house-before-going-to-the beach." Countless bowls of oatmeal, a few packages of Ramen noodles, and several plain quesadillas later, we both came out as winners - our fridge is clean and we saved a trip to the grocery store. Hallelujah!