One Word Worth Building Your Business Around

One Word Worth Building Your Business Around

“Business is about people, and your reputation is built on how you treat people.” – Bruce Rauner

Like most creative entrepreneurs, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I launched my business 3 years ago. 

I didn’t know how to find clients. I didn’t know what to share about on my blog. I didn’t know any strategies for marketing my business on social media.

Did I need a mailing list? What website platform should I use? How much should I charge for my services? Do I need to set up an LLC? How much should I be setting aside for taxes?

I figured out most of those questions through a process of trial and error. 

But there was one word that always laid at the foundation of every decision I made for Elle & Company, and I attribute it to whatever amount of “success” I’ve had over these past few years in business.  

It’s a word that’s often overlooked by many business owners, maybe because it seems so simple. 

Or those who don’t overlook it often toss it aside and focus on other business strategies and tactics, because it requires patience and endurance. 

There’s no instant gratification when you pursue this word. 

But I can tell you from experience that it’s worth pursuing and building your business around. 

Ellechat Recap: How to Take Your Product-Based Business Full-Time With Morgan Nield

Ellechat Recap: How to Take Your Product-Based Business Full-Time With Morgan Nield

In 2013, Morgan Nield started an Etsy shop on a whim selling newborn hats, baby headbands and crib sheets. Three years later, she’s close to 20,000 sales and has made over $400,000.

How in the world did she do it?

Morgan joined me in the last Ellechat webinar of 2016 to share her story along with some practical steps for taking sporadic sales and turning them into a sustainable, consistent income (the kind you can quit your day job with!). 

Squarespace Users: Are You Using These Helpful Shortcuts?

Squarespace Users: Are You Using These Helpful Shortcuts?

At the end of each design project, I meet with my clients over Skype for a 1-hour Squarespace tutorial. 

I share my screen and walk them through the ins and outs of using and updating their new website, and I record the session so my clients can refer back to it later.

Somehow I always find myself sharing quick Squarespace tips and shortcuts throughout the session, so I thought it was about time I round them up and share them with you, too!

Here are 11 shortcuts and tricks I’ve discovered over the past few years of using Squarespace. 

Ellechat Recap: How Contracts Can Improve Your Client Experience with Christina Scalera

Ellechat Recap: How Contracts Can Improve Your Client Experience with Christina Scalera

Contracts are non-negotiable elements of any business, whether you’re a graphic designer or a personal trainer. 

But legal matters are scary. Many of business owners - both seasoned and brand new - are intimidated by creating client contracts because they’re unsure of what to include, how to word things, and whether they’re going about it correctly.

Christina Scalera is an attorney for creatives and a pro at explaining legal matters simply, and she joined me for last week’s Ellechat webinar to share how contracts can improve your client experience. 

Why I’ll Never Schedule Social Media Again (And Our MeetEdgar Strategy!)

Why I’ll Never Schedule Social Media Again (And Our MeetEdgar Strategy!)

Imagine this. 

It’s 8pm on a Sunday evening. Tomorrow is Monday, which means the craziness of juggling clients, projects and business tasks is about to crank back up. And the thought just occurred to you that you haven’t yet scheduled posts for each of your social media platforms for the coming week.

So you pull out your laptop and spend the last 2 hours of your Sunday brainstorming about what the heck you’re going to post on social media.

You browse through old blog posts and choose a few at random to feature for the upcoming week. You spend forever digging through your Bloglovin’ and Twitter feeds to find articles to highlight from other industry peers. You save images to your desktop until you can no longer see your screensaver and you have a field day shortening links with

Finally, 10:30pm rolls around and your Buffer queue is filled for the week…until next Sunday, that is.

What if I told you the rat race of social media scheduling could finally end? What if you never had to schedule social media again? 

I’ve started using a tool that takes those questions out of the hypothetical and makes them a reality.