Brand Challenge 2019 - Elle & Company

A free 4-week challenge, delivered straight to your inbox each weekday in February, to help you create a cohesive, one-of-a-kind brand from start to finish

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    Here’s how it works

    Building a brand from start to finish can be very overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! This free challenge will walk you through the tried-and-true branding process I’ve used to create over 35 client brands. Here’s how:


    Sign up with your email address

    You’ll immediately receive an email with more details about the challenge and a link to download the free workbook


    Complete the daily action steps

    I’ll send you a specific action step each weekday and walk you through how to both complete and customize it


    Share your work

    Share what you come up with and gain feedback on your brand from other creatives in the Facebook group


    Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

    A distinct color palette
    Brand fonts that pair well together
    A one-of-a-kind, versatile logo
    Custom icons, patterns, and graphics

    And those are just the visuals! We’ll also develop your brand’s mission statement, tone and terminology, brand keywords, and more. By the end of February, you’ll have a beautiful, cohesive brand that will make a great first impression on potential clients and customers.

    "I have tried for years to figure out and develop my brand, but finally through this brand challenge, it is clicking! I have never been more inspired, complete, driven, nor have I ever had such clarity of where I want to go. From the target client, to the tone and look. I actually feel like I have the makings of a brand now."

    "Can't thank Lauren Hooker and this community enough for the Brand Challenge, inspiration and know-how of pulling this together. I will never look at branding the same after this! Finally I have something cohesive and a great springboard for the rest to come. Now onto website building and content creation!”



    Are you up for the challenge?

    The 2019 Brand Challenge begins Monday, February 4th!

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      Frequently asked questions

      Do I have to be a designer to participate? No! The daily action steps are for designers and non-designers alike. I’ll walk you through my exact process for building a brand from start-to-finish and share lots of design tips along the way.

      Do I need to have access to design software? Access to programs like Adobe Illustrator are definitely helpful for bringing your design ideas to life, but I’ll be sharing free resources and programs with you throughout the course.

      How long will each daily action step take? You can plan to spend 30 minutes each day reading the how-to for each action step and completing it. Some days might require a little more time, some a little less.

      Daily action steps

      Click the images below to view a how-to blog post for each daily action step


      Share your progress

      Join the Elle & Company Facebook Group to share your work, gain feedback from other creatives, and stay up-to-date on the Brand Challenge!